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Welcome to Flower of life This is a small, family-based company. I made the self-help book,  


You Got This!

How to Wean off Opioids, Street Drugs, and Prescription Medication with Little to No Withdrawal Symptoms.


I created this web shop to provide high quality organic, sustainably grown, natural kratom leaf powder from farmers with high ethics and a track record of delivering. 

Our kratom products are third-party tested and spot tested by Columbia Food Laboratories. Our products are tested for yeast and mold [AOAC 997.02], coliforms, E. coli [AOAC 991.4], and salmonella [AOAC-RI 050701]).

Our Kratom is all-natural leaf powder and does not have any legal or illegal synthetic additives. This high quality fresh Kratom powder is organic sustainably harvested in the Kapuas Hulu District.


We are dedicated to provide high quality products and excellent customer service, for returning customers as well as new customers. 

Customers must be 21 years of age to purchase Kratom.


Thank you for your support.


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